Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The 7 sins of Travian

Travian being an online real time strategy game:

- 7 Deadly Sins of Travian -
1. Lust: Lusting after the wrong person’s resources can be harmful to your health.

2. Gluttony: Population means nothing, army size means every thing. Negative wheat is ideal.

3. Greed: Don’t horde, crannies attract catapults.

4. Sloth: Don’t be lazy. Keep on raiding.

5. Wrath: Threats will get you banned by the MultiHunter

6. Envy: Don’t try to be something your not. Understand your tribe, your strengths, your weaknesses, and your limitations.

7. Pride: If you’re outmatched accept it and don’t send rude messages.

The Truth

War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left. 

Marriage is the only war in which you sleep with the enemy.

Only the winners decide what were war crimes.

You don't suffer from insanity, you enjoy every minute of it.

The rush of battle is often a potent and lethal addiction, for war is a drug.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hi everyone! Sooo sorry I haven't posted in a very long long time... but I wanted to come and say 2 things. Here goes my long composed message straight from my heart...


Ever wanted to pull a good joke on your friends?

If someone ever says "Excuse me," you may choose to say "What? Did you fart?"

Yea, yea I know it's UBER lame but, hey. whenever I it, it's out of love for them.

I also think its good bonding for you and your close ones. So go ahead and try it. It's much better if the person says it on their own, makes you feel more accomplished. BUT you may try to make them say it. Although that is not as rewarding, you may make other people around you laugh. :D


with love,


If you guys love me, or don't, however you feel, and you get the strong urge to have good karma or just be loving or generous, or both (:P) I have a donation link. By donating you will most definitely get more content on this site and on my youtube. You will also be rewarded by my product: friendship. By donating you have earned my trust and friendship + more awesomelyness Llama pwnage content!

Heres the link:

Theres also a button at the very bottom!

THANK YOU SO MUCH for those who plan on donating or those who already have!

Make sure to let me know you've donated for this cause, so I may reward thee with more content and personal high ranking among my followers (where are they anyway?)

Yet again, thank you to those who have any relation to donating or going to donate! I really appreciate it!

from your super loving leader,
        -Bering/Lama 0/ cod45halo123/llamapaloozah

Saturday, January 8, 2011

How to tell if you're stupid

1.when you play you're piano you frequently lose your grip on the bow
2.You go to bed and accidentally fluff up your head
3.You're absolutely convinced that nostalgia is a thing of the past
4.You go to bed and purposely fluff up your head
5.You purchase season tickets to the super Bowl
6.You find yourself wondering what branch of the military captain Kangaroo was in
7.You put a higher antenna on your mail box in an attempt to receive mail from people farther away

Friday, January 7, 2011

Special Treat

In the coming weeks, I will be posting some very, very special videos. Im not going to tell you what they are about, but they are pretty high tech. I hope you will watch and enjoy them, and if not, you WILL be deported. A good thing about these coming videos is that they will be filmed with an awesome camera and edited in an amazing program (very specific aren't I?) so they will be worth watching.

And also, don't forget to check out one of my good friends blogs at:

He has some pretty interesting stuff coming out of there.

Gud Luhk awn thuh niphtie ahdveanchours uv thie wehl biieng (did you catch that at all? break it down thoroughly and you might...)


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Today (not sure, but around) is Llamapaloozah's 1 month anniversary! I am just 1 month closer to webernet complete domination. Just a few months short (if only people followed :D) of awesomatizationality (muahahaha) oh well. HAPPY LATE NEW YEARish.

remember that we DO have punch SO you BETTER click the FOLLOW i repeat FOLLOW button.

Farewell...... for nao..... muihaha....