Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The 7 sins of Travian

Travian being an online real time strategy game:

- 7 Deadly Sins of Travian -
1. Lust: Lusting after the wrong person’s resources can be harmful to your health.

2. Gluttony: Population means nothing, army size means every thing. Negative wheat is ideal.

3. Greed: Don’t horde, crannies attract catapults.

4. Sloth: Don’t be lazy. Keep on raiding.

5. Wrath: Threats will get you banned by the MultiHunter

6. Envy: Don’t try to be something your not. Understand your tribe, your strengths, your weaknesses, and your limitations.

7. Pride: If you’re outmatched accept it and don’t send rude messages.

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