Thursday, December 2, 2010

First Video! Yay!

Keep in mind that im not 'professional,' so dont judge!
This is a Halo 3 Montage of suckmehalo (previously Sko0ma x)
suckmehalo is in no way shape or form a pro gamer
Also keep in mind that this was made about six months ago and im much better now at editing....
(you'd probably wanna listen to me if you dont want to get mauled by mike tysons tiger as if you were a zebra)

Another suckmehalo H3 Montage coming next week... or in few days... or tomorrow... WHO KNOWS (i do :) )

I will be embedding my videos from youtube until I can make the Blog Upload button work...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pretty sweet! *proceeds to throw a sticky grenade at the enemy and shoot the crap out of him before he explodes into blueness*. Ya that was the best part.
