Saturday, January 8, 2011

How to tell if you're stupid

1.when you play you're piano you frequently lose your grip on the bow
2.You go to bed and accidentally fluff up your head
3.You're absolutely convinced that nostalgia is a thing of the past
4.You go to bed and purposely fluff up your head
5.You purchase season tickets to the super Bowl
6.You find yourself wondering what branch of the military captain Kangaroo was in
7.You put a higher antenna on your mail box in an attempt to receive mail from people farther away

Friday, January 7, 2011

Special Treat

In the coming weeks, I will be posting some very, very special videos. Im not going to tell you what they are about, but they are pretty high tech. I hope you will watch and enjoy them, and if not, you WILL be deported. A good thing about these coming videos is that they will be filmed with an awesome camera and edited in an amazing program (very specific aren't I?) so they will be worth watching.

And also, don't forget to check out one of my good friends blogs at:

He has some pretty interesting stuff coming out of there.

Gud Luhk awn thuh niphtie ahdveanchours uv thie wehl biieng (did you catch that at all? break it down thoroughly and you might...)


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Today (not sure, but around) is Llamapaloozah's 1 month anniversary! I am just 1 month closer to webernet complete domination. Just a few months short (if only people followed :D) of awesomatizationality (muahahaha) oh well. HAPPY LATE NEW YEARish.

remember that we DO have punch SO you BETTER click the FOLLOW i repeat FOLLOW button.

Farewell...... for nao..... muihaha....